Index of Publications

1990 1996 2002 2008 2014
1991 1997 2003 2009 2015
1992 1998 2004 2010 2016
1993 1999 2005 2011 2017
1994 2000 2006 2012  
1995 2001 2007 2013 Theses

1990 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R. 1990. Large-scale perturbations: opportunities for innovation. Ecology 71:2038-2043.

He, X., and J.F. Kitchell. 1990. Direct and indirect effects of predation on a fish community: A whole lake experiment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 119:825-835.

He, X., and D.M. Lodge. 1990. Using minnow traps to estimate fish population size: the importance of spatial distribution and relative species abundance. Hydrobiologia 190:9-14.

Leavitt, P.R., and S.R. Carpenter. 1990. Aphotic pigment degradation in the hypolimnion: implications for sedimentation studies and paleolimnology. Limnology and Oceanography 34:520-534.

Leavitt, P.R., and S.R. Carpenter. 1990. Regulation of pigment sedimentation by photo-oxidation and herbivore grazing. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47(6):1166-1176.

MacKay, N.A., S.R. Carpenter, P.A. Soranno, and M.J. Vanni. 1990. The impact of two Chaoborus species on a zooplankton community. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68:981-985.

Soranno, P.A., Ed. 1990. Methods of the Cascading Trophic Interactions Project. Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.

1991 (back to top)

Baines, S.B., and M.L. Pace. 1991. The production of dissolved organic matter by phytoplankton and its importance to bacteria: Patterns across marine and freshwater systems. Limnology and Oceanography 36:1078-1090.

Carpenter, S.R., T.M. Frost, J.F. Kitchell, T.K. Kratz, D.W. Schindler, J. Shearer, W.G. Sprules, M.J. Vanni, and A.P. Zimmerman. 1991. Patterns of primary production and herbivory in 25 North American lake ecosystems. Pp. 67-96 in J. Cole, S. Findlay, and G. Lovett, Eds. Comparative Analyses of Ecosystems: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Theories. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Carpenter, S.R., and P.R. Leavitt. 1991. Temporal variation in a paleolimnological record arising from a trophic cascade. Ecology 72:277-285.

Dini, M.L., and S.R. Carpenter. 1991. The effect of whole-lake fish community manipulations on Daphnia migratory behavior. Limnology and Oceanography 36:370-377.

Hodgson, J.R., C.J. Hodgson, and S.M. Brooks. 1991. Trophic interaction and competition between largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:1704-1712.

Kitchell, J.F., S.R. Carpenter, S.W. Bayley, K.C. Ewel, R.W. Howarth, S.M. Nixon, and D.W. Schindler. 1991. Aquatic ecosystem experiments in the context of global climate change: Working group report. Pp. 229-235 in H.A. Mooney et al., Eds. Ecosystem Experiments. John Wiley and Sons, Sussex, England.

Pace, M.L. 1991. Comparative and experimental approaches to the study of microbial food webs. J. Protozool. 38:87-92.

Pace, M.L., and E. Funke. 1991. Regulation of planktonic microbial communities by nutrients and herbivores. Ecology 72(3):904-914.

1992 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R. 1992. Destabilization of planktonic ecosystems and blooms of blue-green algae. Pp. 461-482 in J.F. Kitchell, Ed. Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Carpenter, S.R. 1992. Trophic ecology. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 18:574-576.

Carpenter, S.R., K.L. Cottingham, and D.E. Schindler. 1992. Biotic feedback in lake phosphorus cycles. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7:332-336.

Carpenter, S.R., S.G. Fisher, N.B. Grimm, and J.F. Kitchell. 1992. Global change and freshwater ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 23:119-139.

Carpenter, S.R., and J.F. Kitchell. 1992. Trophic cascade and biomanipulation: interface of research and management. Limnology and Oceanography 37: 208-213.

Carpenter, S.R., C.E. Kraft, R. Wright, X. He, P.A. Soranno, and J.R. Hodgson. 1992. Resilience and resistance of a lake phosphorus cycle before and after food web manipulation. American Naturalist 140:781-798.

Cyr, H., and M.L. Pace. 1992. Grazing by zooplankton and its relationship to community structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:1455-1465.

Dini, M.L., and S.R. Carpenter. 1992. Fish predators, food availability, and diel vertical migration in Daphnia. Journal of Plankton Research 14:359-378.

Frost, T.M., S.R. Carpenter, and T.K. Kratz. 1992. Choosing ecological indicators: effects of taxonomic aggregation on sensitivity to stress and natural variability. Pp. 215-227 in D.H. McKenzie, Ed. Ecological Indicators. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Essex, England.

Hansson, L.-A. 1992. The role of food chain composition and nutrient availability in shaping algal biomass development. Ecology 73:241-247.

He, X., and R.A. Wright. 1992. An experimental study of piscivore-planktivore interactions: population and community responses to predation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:1176-1183.

Schindler, D.E. 1992. Nutrient regeneration by sockeye salmon fry and subsequent effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:2498-2506.

Vaqué, D., and M.L. Pace. 1992. Grazing on bacteria by flagellates and cladocerans in lakes of contrasting food-web structure. Journal of Plankton Research 14(2):307-321.

1993 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., T.M. Frost, T.K. Kratz, and J.F. Kitchell. 1993. Species dynamics and global environmental change: A perspective from ecosystem experiments. Pp. 267-279 in P. Kareiva, J. Kingsolver and R. Huey, (eds.). Biotic Interactions and Global Change. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.

Carpenter, S.R., X. He, J.F. Kitchell, and P.A. Soranno. 1993. Whole-lake experiments: is grazer functional response stable? Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 25:398-400.

Carpenter, S.R., and J.F. Kitchell, Eds. 1993. The Trophic Cascade in Lakes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.

Table of Contents:
1. Cascading trophic interactions. J.F. Kitchell and S.R. Carpenter. Pages 1-14.
2. Experimental lakes, manipulations and measurements. S.R. Carpenter and J.F. Kitchell. Pages 15-25.
3. Statistical analysis of the ecosystem experiments. S.R. Carpenter. Pages 26-42.
4. The fish populations. J.R. Hodgson, X. He and J.F. Kitchell. Pages 43-68.
5. Fish behavioral and community responses to manipulation. X. He, R. Wright and J.F. Kitchell. Pages 69-84.
6. Roles of fish predation: piscivory and planktivory. X. He, J.F. Kitchell, J.R. Hodgson, R. Wright, P.A. Soranno, D.M. Lodge, P.A. Cochran, D. Benkowski and N. Bouwes. Pages 85-102.
7. Dynamics of the phantom midge: implications for zooplankton. P.A. Soranno, S.R. Carpenter and S.M. Moegenburg. Pages 103-115.
8. Zooplankton community dynamics. P.A. Soranno, S.R. Carpenter, and M.M. Elser. Pages 116-152.
9. Effects of predators and food supply on diel vertical migration of Daphnia. M.L. Dini, P.A. Soranno, M.D. Scheuerell and S.R. Carpenter. Pages 153-171.
10. Zooplankton biomass and body size. P.A. Soranno, S.R. Carpenter and X. He. Pages 172-188.
11. Phytoplankton community dynamics. S.R. Carpenter, J.A. Morrice, J.J. Elser, A.L. St. Amand and N.A. MacKay. Pages 189-209.
12. Metalimnetic phytoplankton dynamics. A.L. St. Amand and S.R. Carpenter. Pages 210-224.
13. Primary production and its interactions with nutrients and light transmission. S.R. Carpenter, J.A. Morrice, P.A. Soranno, J.J. Elser, N.A. MacKay and A.L. St. Amand. Pages 225-251.
14. Heterotrophic microbial processes. M.L. Pace. Pages 252-277.
15. Annual fossil records of food-web manipulation. P.R. Leavitt, P.R. Sanford, S.R. Carpenter, J.F. Kitchell and D. Benkowski. Pages 278-309.
16. Simulation models of the trophic cascade: predictions and evaluations. S.R. Carpenter and J.F. Kitchell. Pages 310-331.
17. Synthesis and new directions. J.F. Kitchell and S.R. Carpenter. Pages 332-350.

Carpenter, S.R., R.C. Lathrop, and A. Muñoz-del-Rio. 1993. Comparison of dynamic models for edible phytoplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1757-1767.

Cole, J.J. and N. Caraco. 1993. The pelagic microbial food web of oligotrophic lakes. Pp. 101-112 in T. Ford (ed.). Aquatic Microbiology, Blackwell Scientific Press, Cambridge.

Cole, J.J., M.L. Pace, N.F. Caraco, and G.S. Steinhart. 1993. Bacterial biomass and cell size distributions in lakes: More and larger cells in anoxic waters. Limnology and Oceanography 38:1627-1632.

Cyr, H., and M.L. Pace. 1993. Allometric theory: extrapolations from individuals to communities. Ecology 74:1234-1245.

Cyr, H., and M.L. Pace. 1993. Magnitude and patterns of herbivory in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Nature 361:148-150.

Hansen, M. J., D. Boisclair, S.B. Brandt, S.W. Hewett, J.F. Kitchell, M.C. Lucas, and J.J. Ney. 1993. Applications of bioenergetics models to fish ecology and management: Where do we go from here? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:1019-1030.

Hansson, L-A. 1993. Factors initiating algal life-form shift from sediment to water. Oecologia 94:286-294.

Hansson., L-A., and S.R. Carpenter. 1993. Relative importance of nutrient availability and food chain for size and community composition in phytoplankton. Oikos 67:257-263.

He, X., J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and R.A. Wright. 1993. Intraspecific competition in largemouth bass: Evidence from growth, density and diet. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:3753-3764.

He, X., J.F. Kitchell, S.R. Carpenter, J.R. Hodgson, D.E. Schindler, and K.L. Cottingham. 1993. Food web configuration and long-term phosphorus recycling: A simulation model evaluation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:773-783.

Hodgson, J.R., X. He, and J.F. Kitchell. 1993. The fish populations. Pp. 43-68 in S.R. Carpenter and J.F. Kitchell (eds.). Cascading Trophic Interactions. Cambridge University Press.

Kemp, P.F., E.B. Sherr, B.F. Sherr, and J.J. Cole, Eds. 1993. Handbook of methods in aquatic microbial ecology. Lewis Publishers.

Kitchell, J. F. and S. R. Carpenter. 1993. Variability in lake ecosystems: complex responses by the apical predator. Pp. 111-124 in M. McDonnell and S. Pickett (eds.). Humans as Components of Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Kitchell, J.F., S.R. Carpenter, J.R. Hodgson, X. He, and P.A. Soranno. 1993. Phosphorus in food webs: compensatory responses in experimental lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:344-348.

Pace, M.L. 1993. Forecasting ecological responses to global change: The need for large-scale comparative studies. Pp. 356-363 in P.M. Karieva, J.G. Kingsolver, and R.B. Huey (eds.). Biotic Interactions and Global Change. Sinauer.

Sanford, P.R. 1993. Bosmina longirostris antennule morphology as an indicator of intensity of planktivory by fishes. Bulletin of Marine Science 53:216-227.

Schindler, D.E., J.F. Kitchell, X. He, S.R. Carpenter, J.R. Hodgson, and K.L. Cottingham. 1993. Food web structure and phosphorus cycling in lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122:756-772.

Steele. J.H., S.R. Carpenter, J.E. Cohen, P.K. Dayton and R.E. Ricklefs. 1993. Comparing terrestrial and marine ecological systems. Pp. 1-12 in S.A. Levin, T.M. Powell and J.H. Steele (eds.). Patch Dynamics. Springer-Verlag, New York.

1994 (back to top)

Baines, S.B., and M.L. Pace. 1994. Sinking fluxes across lakes spanning a trophic gradient: patterns and implications for the fate of planktonic primary production. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:25-36.

Baines, S.B., M.L. Pace, and D.M. Karl. 1994. Why does the relationship between sinking flux and planktonic primary production differ between lakes and the ocean? Limnology and Oceanography 39:213-226.

Carpenter, S.R., K.L. Cottingham, and C.A. Stow. 1994. Fitting predator-prey models to time series with observation error. Ecology 75:1254-1264.

Carpenter, S.R., T.M. Frost, A.R. Ives, J.F. Kitchell and T.K. Kratz. 1994. Complexity, cascades and compensation in ecosystems. In M. Watanabe, Ed. Biodiversity: Its Complexity and Role. National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan.

Cole, J.J., N.F. Caraco, G.W. Kling, and T.K. Kratz. 1994. Carbon dioxide supersaturation in the surface waters of lakes. Science 265:1568-1570.

Cottingham, K.L., and S.R. Carpenter. 1994. Predictive indices of ecosystem resilience: Consistency and testability in models of north temperate lakes. Ecology 75:2127-2138.

Cottingham, K.L. Aquatic ecosystems. 1994. Pp. 28-30. McGraw Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology.

Hansson, L-A., L.G. Rudstam, T. Johnson, P. Sorranno, and Y. Allen. 1994. Patterns in algal recruitment from sediment to water in a dimictic, eutrophic lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:2825-2833.

He, X., and G.W. LaBar. 1994. Interactive effects of cannibalism, recruitment, and predation on rainbow smelt in Lake Champlain: A modeling synthesis. Journal of Great Lakes Research 20:289-298.

He, X., J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and R.A. Wright. 1994. Growth and diet composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) from four experimental lakes. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25:2092-2097.

He, X., R.A. Wright, M.D. Scheuerell, and P.A. Soranno. 1994. Recurrent response patterns of a zooplankton community to whole-lake fish manipulation. Freshwater Biology 32:61-72.

Kitchell, J.F., E.A. Eby, X. He, D.E. Schindler, and R.A. Wright. 1994. Predator-prey dynamics in an ecosystem context. J. Fish. Biol. 45:1-18.

Kratz, T.K., J.J. Magnuson, T.M. Frost, B.J. Benson, and S.R. Carpenter. 1994. Landscape position, scaling, and the spatial and temporal variability of ecological parameters: considerations for biological monitoring. Pp. 217-232 in S.L. Loeb and A. Spacey (eds.). Biological Monitoring of Aquatic Systems. Lewis Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI.

Leavitt, P.R., D.E. Schindler, A.J. Paul, A.K. Hardie, and D.W. Schindler. 1994. Fossil pigment records of phytoplankton in trout-stocked alpine lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:2411-2423.

Leavitt, P.R., P.R. Sanford, S.R. Carpenter ,and J.F. Kitchell. 1994. An annual fossil record of production, planktivory and piscivory during whole lake experiments. J. Paleolimnology 11:133-149.

Pace, M.L., and J.J. Cole. 1994. Primary and bacterial production: are they coupled over depth? Journal of Plankton Research 16:661-672.

Pace, M.L., and J.J. Cole. 1994. Comparative and experimental approaches to top-down and bottom-up regulation of bacteria. Microbial Ecology 28:181-193.

Pace, M.L., and D. Vaqué. 1994. The importance of Daphnia in determining mortality rates of protozoans and rotifers in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 39:985-996.

Schindler, D.E., B. Johnson, N. MacKay, N. Bouwes, and J.F. Kitchell. 1994. Crab:snail size-structured interactions and salt marsh predation gradients. Oecologia 97:49-61.

Vézina, A., and M.L. Pace. 1994. An inverse model analysis of planktonic food webs in experimental lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51:2034-2044.

1995 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., S.W. Chisholm, C.J. Krebs, D.W. Schindler, and R.F. Wright. 1995. Ecosystem experiments. Science 269:324-327.

Carpenter, S.R., D.L. Christensen, J.J. Cole, K.L. Cottingham, X. He, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, S.E. Knight, M.L. Pace, D.M. Post, D.E. Schindler, and N. Voichick. 1995. Biological control of eutrophication in lakes. Environmental Science and Technology 29:784-786.

Christensen, D.L., S.R. Carpenter, and K.L. Cottingham. 1995. Predicting chlorophyll vertical distribution in response to epilimnetic nutrient enrichment in stratified lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 17:1461-1478.

Cole J.J., and M.L. Pace. 1995. Why measure bacterial production? A reply to the comment by Jahnke and Craven. Limnology and Oceanography 40:441-444.

Cole J.J., and M.L. Pace. 1995. Bacterial secondary production in oxic and anoxic freshwaters. Limnology and Oceanography 40:1019-1027.

Cottingham, K.L., and S.E. Knight. 1995. Effects of grazer size on the response of mesotrophic lakes to experimental enrichment. Water Science and Technology 32(4): 157-163.

Frost, T.M., S.R. Carpenter, A.R. Ives and T.K. Kratz. 1995. Species compensation and complementarity in ecosystem function. Pp. 224-239 in C. Jones and J. Lawton (eds.). Linking Species and Ecosystems. Chapman and Hall, New York.

Hansson, L-A. 1995. Diurnal recruitment patterns in algae: effects of light cycles and stratified conditions. Journal of Phycology 31:540-546.

Kratz, T.K., J.J. Magnuson, P. Bayley, B.J. Benson, C.W. Berish, C.S. Bledsoe, E.R. Blood, C.J. Bowser, S.R. Carpenter, G.L. Cunningham, R.A. Dahlgren, T.M. Frost, J.C. Halfpenny, F.D. Hansen, D. Heisey, R.S. Inouye, D.W. Kaufman, A. McKee, and Y. Yarie. 1995. Temporal and spatial variability as neglected ecosystem properties: lessons learned from 12 North American ecosystems. Pp. 359-383 in D. Rapport and P. Calow (eds.). Evaluating the Health of Large-Scale Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Pace, M.L., S.R. Carpenter, and P.A. Soranno. 1995. Population variability in experimental ecosystems. Pp. 61-71. In C.J. Jones and J.H. Lawton (eds.). Linking Species and Ecosystems. Chapman and Hall, New York.

Post, D.M, T.M. Frost, and J.F. Kitchell. 1995. Morphological responses by Bosmina longirostris and Eubosmina tubicen to changes in copepod predator populations during a whole-lake acidification experiment. Journal of Plankton Research 17:1621-1632.

Stow, C.A., K.L. Cottingham, and S.R. Carpenter. 1995. Resource versus ratio-dependent consumer-resource models: A Bayesian perspective. Ecology 76:1986-1990.

1996 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., T. Frost, L. Persson, M. Power, and D. Soto. 1996. Freshwater ecosystems: Linkages of complexity and processes. Pp. 299-325 in H. Mooney et al. (eds.). Functional Roles of Biodiversity: A Global Perspective. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Carpenter, S.R., J.F. Kitchell, K.L. Cottingham, D.E. Schindler, D.L. Christensen, D.M. Post, and N. Voichick. 1996. Chlorophyll variability, nutrient input and grazing: evidence from whole-lake experiments. Ecology 77:725-735.

Christensen, D.L., S.R. Carpenter, K.L. Cottingham, S.E. Knight, J.P. LeBouton, D.E. Schindler, N. Voichick, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 1996. Pelagic responses to changes in dissolved organic carbon following division of a seepage lake. Limnology and Oceanography 41:553-559.

Christensen, D.L., B.R. Herwig, D.E. Schindler, and S.R. Carpenter. 1996. Impacts of lakeshore residential development on coarse woody debris in north temperate lakes. Ecological Applications 6:1143-1149.

Felip, M., M.L. Pace, and J.J. Cole. 1996. Regulation of planktonic bacterial growth rates: the effects of temperature and resources. Journal of Plankton Research 31:12-28.

Hansson, L-A. 1996. Algal recruitment from lake sediments in relation to grazing, sinking and dominance patterns in the phytoplankton community. Limnology and Oceanography 41:1312-1323.

Hansson L-A. 1996. Behavioral response in plants: adjustment in algal recruitment induced by herbivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 263:1241-1244.

Hansson L-A. 1996. Smart algae steer clear of water fleas. New Scientist 2050:19.

Herwig, B.R., and D.E. Schindler. 1996. Effects of aquatic insect predators on zooplankton in fishless ponds. Hydrobiologia 324:141-147.

Hodgson, J.R., and M.J. Kinsella. 1996. Small mammals in the diet of largemouth bass, revisited. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 10:433-435.

Jackson, L.J., and D.E. Schindler. 1996. Field derived PCB assimilation efficiencies for Lake Michigan salmonids. Environmental Science and Technology 30:1861-1865.

Johnson, J.M., and D.M. Post. 1996. Morphological constraints on intra-cohort cannibalism in age-0 largemouth bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 125:809-812.

Lauridsen, T.L., and D.M. Lodge. 1996. Avoidance by Daphnia magna of fish and macrophytes: chemical cues and predator-mediated use of macrophyte habitat. Limnology and Oceanography 41:794-798.

Pace, M.L., and J.J. Cole. 1996. Regulation of bacteria by resources and predation tested in whole lake experiments. Limnology and Oceanography 41:1448-1460.

Padilla, D.K., S.C. Adolph, K.L. Cottingham, and D.W. Schneider. 1996. Predicting the consequences of a benthic invader on a pelagic food web: Effects of a nutrient gradient. Ecological Modelling 85:129-144.

Schindler, D.E., S.R. Carpenter, K.L. Cottingham, X. He, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and P.A. Soranno. 1996. Food web structure and littoral zone coupling to pelagic trophic cascades. Pp. 96-105 in G.A. Polis and K. Winemiller (eds.). Food Webs: Integration of Patterns and Dynamics. Chapman Hall, New York.

1997 (back to top)

Blumenshine, S.B., Y. Vadeboncoeur, D.M. Lodge, K.L. Cottingham, and S.E. Knight. 1997. Benthic-pelagic links: responses of benthos to water-column nutrient enrichment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16:466-479.

Carpenter, S.R., and K.L. Cottingham. 1997. Resilience and restoration of lakes. Conservation Ecology 1:2. Available on the Internet. URL:

Carpenter, S.R., and M.L. Pace. 1997. Dystrophy and eutrophy in lake ecosystems: Implications of fluctuation inputs. Oikos 78:3-14.

Cochran, P.A., J.R. Hodgson, and A.A. Leisten. 1997. The assassin bug Zelus luridus (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The Great Lakes Entomologist 30:123-124.

Cottingham, K.L., S.E. Knight, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and A.E. Wagner. 1997. Response of phytoplankton and bacteria to nutrients and zooplankton: a mesocosm experiment. Journal of Plankton Research 19:995-1010.

del Giorgio, P.A., J.J. Cole, and A. Cimberlis. 1997. Respiration rates in bacteria exceed phytoplankton production in unproductive aquatic systems. Nature 385:148-151.

Hanson, P.C., T.B. Johnson, D.E. Schindler, and J.F. Kitchell. 1997. Fish Bioenergetics 3.0. Sea Grant Technical Report, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, Madison, WI.

Hansson, S., D.M. Post, J.F. Kitchell, and T.S. McComish. 1997. Interactions of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in southern Lake Michigan: a model analysis. Pp. 7-20 in Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems. Alaska Sea Grant Program. AK-SG-97-01.

Hodgson, J.R., X. He, D.E. Schindler, and J.F. Kitchell. 1997. Diet overlap in a piscivorous community. Ecology of Freshwater Fisheries 6:144-149.

Moore, M.V., M.L. Pace, J.R. Mather, P.S. Murdoch, R.W. Howarth, C.L. Folt,
C.Y. Chen, H.F. Hemond, P.A. Flebbe, and C.T. Driscoll. 1997. Potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the New England/Mid-Atlantic region. Hydrological Processes 11:925-947.

Post, D.M., S.R. Carpenter, D.L. Christensen, K.L. Cottingham, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and D.E. Schindler. 1997. Seasonal effects of variable recruitment of a dominant piscivore on pelagic food web structure. Limnology and Oceanography 42:722-729.

Post, D.M., and J.F. Kitchell. 1997. Trophic ontogeny and life history effects on interactions between age-0 fish and zooplankton. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Special Issues in Advanced Limnology 49:1-12.

Schindler, D.E., and L.A. Eby. 1997. Stoichiometry of fishes and their prey: implications for nutrient recycling. Ecology 78:1816-1831.

Schindler, D.E., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell ,and M. Pace. 1997. Influence of food web structure on carbon exchange between lakes and the atmosphere. Science 277:248-251.

Schindler, D.E., J.R. Hodgson, and J.F. Kitchell. 1997. Density-dependent changes in individual foraging specialization of largemouth bass. Oecologia 110:592-600.

1998 (back to top)

Carpenter, S. R., J. Cole, T. E. Essington, J. R. Hodgson, J. Houser, J. F. Kitchell, and M. L. Pace. 1998. Evaluating alternative explanations in ecosystem experiments. Ecosystems 1:335-344.

Carpenter, S.R. 1998. Ecosystem ecology: Integrated physical, chemical and biological processes. Pp. 123-162 in S.I. Dodson (ed.), Ecology. Oxford University Press, London.

Carpenter, S.R. 1998. The need for large-scale experiments to assess and predict the response of ecosystems to perturbation. Pp. 287-312 in M.L. Pace and P.M. Groffman (eds.). Successes, Limitations and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Carpenter, S.R., N.F. Caraco, D.L. Correll, R.W. Howarth, A.N. Sharpley, and V.H. Smith. 1998. Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Ecological Applications 8:559-568.

Carpenter, S.R., N.F. Caraco, D.L. Correll, R.W. Howarth, A.N. Sharpley, and V.H. Smith. 1998. Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Issues in Ecology 3. Ecological Society of America, Washington D.C.

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, and M.L. Pace. 1998. Impact of dissolved organic carbon, phosphorus and grazing on phytoplankton biomass and production in experimental lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 43:73-80.

Carpenter, S.R. 1998. Foreword. pp. v-vi in C. Brönmark and L.-A. Hansson, The Biology of Lakes and Ponds. Oxford University Press, N.Y.

Cole, J.J., and M.L. Pace. 1998. Hydrologic variability of small, northern lakes measured by the addition of tracers. Ecosystems 1:310-320.

Cottingham, K.L., and S.R. Carpenter. 1998. Population, community and ecosystem variates as ecological indicators: phytoplankton response to whole-lake enrichment. Ecological Applications 8:508-530.

Cottingham, K.L., S.R. Carpenter, and A. St. Amand. 1998. Responses of epilimnetic phytoplankton to experimental nutrient enrichment in three small seepage lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 20(10):1889-1914.

Cronin, G., K.D. Wissing, and D.M. Lodge. 1998. Comparative feeding selectivity of herbivorous insects on water lilies: aquatic vs. terrestrial insects and submersed vs. floating leaves. Freshwater Biology 39:101-115.

Hodgson, J.R., D.E. Schindler, and X. He. 1998. Homing tendency of three piscivorous fishes in a north temperate lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:1080-1083.

Kitchell, J.F. 1998. Physiological ecology. Pp. 164-198 in S.I. Dodson (ed.), A User's Guide to Ecology. Oxford University Press. 434p.

Kitchell, J.F., and M.L. Pace. 1998. Understanding human modifications of the ocean: Opportunities for large-scale experiments.

Lauridsen, T.L., E. Jeppesen, M. Sondergaard, and D.M. Lodge. 1998. Horizontal migration of zooplankton: predator-mediated use of macrophyte habitat. Pp. 233-239 in E Jeppesen, Ma. Sondergaard, Mo. Sondergaard, and K. Christoffersen (eds.). The structuring role of submerged macrophytes in lakes. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Lodge, D.M., S.C. Blumenshine, and Y. Vadeboncoeur. 1998. Insights and application of large-scale, long-term ecological observations and experiments. Pp. 202-235 in W. J. Resetarits and J. Bernardo (eds.). Experimental Ecology: Issues and Perspectives. Oxford University Press.

Pace, M.L., J.J. Cole, and S.R. Carpenter. 1998. Trophic cascades and compensation: differential responses of microzooplankton in whole lake experiments. Ecology 79:138-152.

Post, D.M., J.P. Taylor, J.F. Kitchell, M.H. Olson, D.E. Schindler, and B.E. Herwig. 1998. The role of migratory waterfowl as nutrient vectors in a managed wetland. Conservation Biology 12:910-920.

Post, D.M., J.F. Kitchell, and J.R. Hodgson. 1998. Interactions among adult demography, spawning date, growth rate, predation, over winter mortality and recruitment in largemouth bass in a northern lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:2588-2600.

Reche, I., M.L. Pace, and J.J. Cole. 1998. Interactions of photobleaching and mineral nutrients in determining bacterial growth on colored dissolved organic carbon. Microbial Ecology 36:270-280.

Stow, C.A., S.R. Carpenter, K.E. Webster, and T.M. Frost. 1998. Long-term environmental monitoring: some perspectives from lakes. Ecological Applications 8:269-276.

Schindler, D.W., and S.R. Carpenter. 1998. Workshop on ecosystem manipulation. Ecosystems 1:321-322.

Vadeboncoeur, Y., and D.M. Lodge. 1998. Dissolved inorganic carbon sources for epipelic algal production: sensitivity of primary production estimates to spatial and temporal distribution of 14C. Limnology and Oceanography 43:1222-1226.

1999 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., J.F. Kitchell, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 1999. Predicting responses of chlorophyll and primary production to changes in phosphorus, grazing, and dissolved organic carbon (Reply to comment by Nürnberg). Limnology and Oceanography 44:1179-1182.

Carpenter, S.R., and R.C. Lathrop. 1999. Lake restoration: capabilities and needs. Hydrobiologia 395/396:19-28.

Carpenter, S.R. 1999. Role of microcosm experiments in aquatic ecology: reply. Ecology 80:1085-1088.

Cole, J.J. 1999. Aquatic microbiology for ecosystem scientists: New and recycled paradigms in ecological microbiology. Ecosystems 2:215-225.

Cottingham, K.L. 1999. Nutrients and zooplankton as multiple stressors of phytoplankton communities: evidence from size structure. Limnology and Oceanography 44(3, part 2): 810-827.

Cronin, G., T. Schlacher, D.M. Lodge, and E.L. Siska. 1999. Intraspecific variation in feeding preference and performance of Galerucella nymphaea (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera) on aquatic macrophytes. Journal of North American Benthological Society 18:391-405.

Essington, T.E., and J.F. Kitchell. 1999. New perspectives in the analysis of fish distributions: A case study on the spatial distribution of largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56(1):52-60.

Ives, A.R., S.R. Carpenter, and B. Dennis. 1999. Community interaction webs and the response of a zooplankton community to experimental manipulations of planktivory. Ecology 80:1405-1421.

Kitchell, J.F., D.E. Schindler, B.R. Herwig, D.M. Post, M.H. Olson, and M. Oldham. 1999. Nutrient cycling at the landscape scale: The role of diel foraging migrations by geese at the Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography 44:828-836.

Lauridsen, T.L., E. Jeppesen, S.F. Mitchell, D.M. Lodge, and R.L. Burks. 1999. Diel variation in horizontal distribution of Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes with contrasting fish densities. Hydrobiologia 408/409: 241-250.

Pace, M. L., and J. J. Cole. 1999. Effects of whole lake manipulations of nutrient loading and food web structure on planktonic respiration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:487-496.

Pace, M.L., J.J. Cole, S.R. Carpenter, and J.F. Kitchell. 1999. Trophic cascades revealed in diverse ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 14:483-488.

Reche, I., M.L. Pace, and J.J. Cole. 1999. Factors regulating photobleaching of dissolved organic matter in lake ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 44:259-280.

Williamson, C.E., D.P. Morris, M.L. Pace, and O.G. Olson. 1999. Dissolved organic carbon and nutrients as regulators of lake ecosystems: Resurrection of a more integrated paradigm. Limnology and Oceanography 44:795-783.

Schindler, D.E. 1999. Migration strategies of young fishes under temporal constraints: the effect of size-dependent overwinter mortality. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56(1) 61:70.

2000 (back to top)

Beard, T.D., and T.E. Essington. 2000. Evaluating the effects of life history processes on bluegill size structure: insights from an individual based model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129 (2) 561-568.

Blumenshine, S.C., D.M. Lodge, and J.R. Hodgson. 2000. Gradient of fish predation alters body size distributions of lake benthos. Ecology 81:374-386.

Cole, J.J. 2000. Microbial carbon cycling in pelagic ecosystems: microbial methods for ecosystem scientists. Chapter 1.9 Pp. 138-150 in O. Sala, R. Jackson, H.A. Mooney and R. Howarth (eds.). Methods in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Cole, J.J., M.L. Pace, S.R. Carpenter, and J.F. Kitchell. 2000. Persistence of net heterotrophy in lakes during nutrient addition and food web manipulations. Limnology and Oceanography 45(8):1718-1730.

Cottingham, K.L., and D.E. Schindler. 2000. Effects of grazer community structure on phytoplankton responses to nutrient pulses. Ecology 81(1):183-200.

Dodson, S.I., S.E. Arnott, and K.L. Cottingham. 2000. The relationship between primary productivity and species richness: patterns in lake communities. Ecology 81(10): 2662-2679.

Essington, T.E., and S.R. Carpenter. 2000. Nutrient cycling in lakes and streams: Insights from a comparative analysis. Ecosystems. 3:131-143.

Essington, T.E., J.R. Hodgson, and J.F. Kitchell. 2000. The role of satiation in the functional response of a piscivore, largemouth bass. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57(3):548-556.

Essington, T.E., T.P. Quinn, and V.E. Ewert. 2000. Intra- and interspecific competition and the reproductive success of sympatric Pacific salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 205-213.

Houser, J.N., S.R. Carpenter, and J.J. Cole. 2000. Food web structure and nutrient enrichment: effects on sediment phosphorus retention in whole-lake experiments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1524-1533.

Jackson, L.J., A.S. Trebitz, and K.L. Cottingham. 2000. A simulation primer for ecological modeling. Bioscience 50:694-706.

Lamon, E.C., C.A. Stow, and S.R. Carpenter. 2000. Depuration of PCBs in the Lake Michigan ecosystem. Ecosystems 3:332-343.

Neubert, M., S. Blumenshine, D. Duplisia, T. Jonsson, and B. Rashleigh. 2000. Body size, food web structure, and the cascade model's equiprobability assumption. Oecologia 123:241-251.

Pace, M.L., and J.J. Cole. 2000. Effects of whole lake manipulations of nutrient loading and food web structure on planktonic respiration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 487-496.

Reche, I., M.L. Pace, and J. J. Cole. 2000. Modeled effects of dissolved organic carbon and solar spectra on photobleaching in lake ecosystems. Ecosystems 3:419-432.

Schindler, D.E., S.I. Geib, and M.R. Williams. 2000. Patterns of fish growth along a residential development gradient in north temperate lakes. Ecosystems 3: 229-237.

Schindler, D.E., B.R. Herwig, and S.R. Carpenter. 2000. Biotic manipulations of aquatic ecosystems. Pp. 308-317 in O. Sala, R. Jackson, H. Mooney and R. Howarth (eds.). Methods in Ecosystem Science. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Scully, N.M., P.R. Leavitt, and S.R. Carpenter. 2000. Century-long effects of forest harvest on the physical structure and autotrophic community of a small temperate lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57(2):50-59.

Vadeboncoeur, Y., and D.M. Lodge. 2000. Periphyton production on wood and sediment: substratum specific response to laboratory and whole-lake nutrient manipulations. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19:68-81.

Walters, C.J., D.M. Pauly, V. Christensen, and J.F. Kitchell. 2000. Representing density dependent consequences of life history strategies in an ecosystem model: ECOSIM II. Ecosystems 3:70-83.

2001 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, M.L. Pace, D. Bade, K.L. Cottingham, T.E. Essington, J.N. Houser, and D.E. Schindler. 2001. Trophic cascades, nutrients and lake productivity: Whole-lake experiments. Ecological Monographs 71:163-186.

Carpenter, S.R. 2001. Alternate states of ecosystems: Evidence and its implications. Pp. 357-383 in M.C. Press, N. Huntly and S. Levin (eds.). Ecology: Achievement and Challenge. Blackwell, London.

Cottingham, P., S. Carpenter, R. Hilborn, J. Kitchell, and C. Stow. 2001. Large-scale ecological studies and their importance for freshwater resource management. Technical Report No. 4/2001, Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Essington, T.E., J.F. Kitchell, and C.J. Walters. 2001. The Von Bertalanffy growth function, bioenergetics and the consumption rates of fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58(11):2129-2138.

Havlicek, T., and S.R. Carpenter. 2001. Pelagic species size distributions in lakes: Are they discontinuous? Limnology and Oceanography 46:1021-1033.

Hodgson, J.Y., and J.R. Hodgson. 2001. Exploring optimal foraging by largemouth bass from three experimental lakes. Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27:1757-1762.

Klug, J.L., and K.L. Cottingham. 2001. Interactions among environmental drivers: phytoplankton community responses to changes in nutrient loading and dissolved organic carbon. Ecology 82(12):3390-3403.

Pace, M.L. 2001. Getting it right and wrong: Extrapolations across experimental scales. Pp. 157-177 in R.H. Gardner, J. Peterson, and W.M. Kemp (eds). Scaling relations in experimental ecology. Columbia University Press.

Vadeboncoeur, Y., D.M. Lodge, and S.R. Carpenter. 2001. Whole-lake fertilization effects on distribution of primary production between benthic and pelagic habitats. Ecology 82:1065-1077.

2002 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R. 2002. Ecological futures: Building an ecology of the long now. Ecology 83:2069-2083.

Carpenter, S.R., and K.L. Cottingham. 2002. Resilience and the restoration of lakes. Pp. 51-70 in L.H. Gunderson and L. Pritchard Jr. (eds.), Resilience and the Behavior of Large-Scale Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington, D.C.

Cole, J.J., S.R. Carpenter, J.F. Kitchell, and M.L. Pace. 2002. Pathways of organic C utilization in small lakes: results from a whole-lake 13C addition and coupled model. Limnology and Oceanography 47:1664-1675.

Dent, C.L., G.S. Cumming, and S.R. Carpenter. 2002. Multiple states in river and lake ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B.

Klug, J.L. 2002. Positive and negative effects of allochthonous dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients on phytoplankton growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:85-95.

Pace, M.L., and J.J. Cole. 2002. Synchronous variation of dissolved organic carbon in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 47:333-342.

Rusak, J.A., N.D. Yan, K.M. Somers, K.L. Cottingham, F. Micheli, S.R. Carpenter, T.M. Frost, M.J. Paterson, and D.J. McQueen. 2002. Temporal, spatial, and taxonomic patterns of crustacean zooplankton variability in unmanipulated north-temperate lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 47:613-625.

Vadeboncoeur Y., M.J. Vander Zanden, and D.M. Lodge. 2002. Putting the lake back together: Reintegrating benthic pathways into lake food web models. BioScience 52:44-54.

2003 (back to top)

Beisner, B.E., C.L. Dent, and S.R. Carpenter. 2003. Variability of lakes on the landscape: roles of phosphorus, food webs and dissolved organic carbon. Ecology 84:1563-1575.

Carpenter, S.R. 2003. The need for fast and frugal models. in C. Canham, J. Cole and W. Lauenroth (eds.), Models in Ecosystem Science. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., U.S.A.

Cohen, J.E., T. Jonsson, and S.R. Carpenter. 2003. Ecological community description using food webs, species abundance and body size. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100: 1781-1786.

Essington, T.E., and J.N. Houser. 2003. The effects of whole-lake nutrient enrichment on Hg contamination in age-1 yellow perch. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:57-68.

Hanson, P.C., D.L. Bade, S.R. Carpenter, and T.K. Kratz. 2003. Lake metabolism: Relationships with dissolved organic carbon and phosphorus. Limnology and Oceanography 48:1112-1119.

Houser, J.N., D.L. Bade, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2003. The dual influences of dissolved organic carbon on hypolimnetic metabolism: organic substrate and photosynthetic inhibition. Biogeochemistry 64:247-269.

Ives, A.R., B. Dennis, K.L. Cottingham, and S.R. Carpenter. 2003. Estimating community stability and ecological interactions from time-series data. Ecological Monographs 73: 301-330.

Pace, M.L. 2003. The utility of simple models in ecosystem science. pp. 49-62. In: C.D. Canham, J.J. Cole, and W.K. Lauenroth (eds.). Models in Ecosystem Science. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

Peterson, G. D., T. D. Beard Jr., B. E. Beisner, E. M. Bennett, S. R. Carpenter, G. S. Cumming, C. L. Dent, and T. D. Havlicek. 2003. Assessing future ecosystem services: a case study of the Northern Highlands Lake District, Wisconsin. Conservation Ecology 7(3): 1. [online] URL:

Scheffer, M. and S.R. Carpenter. 2003. Catastrophic regime shifts in ecosystems: linking theory to observation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 648-656.

2004 (back to top)

Bade, D.L., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, P.C. Hanson and R.L. Hesslein. 2004. Controls
of d13C-DIC in lakes: Geochemistry, lake metabolism and morphometry. Limnology
and Oceanography. 49:1160-1172.

Bastviken, D., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and L. Tranvik. 2004. Methane emissions from lakes: Dependence on lake characteristics, two regional assessments, and a global estimate. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18: GB4009 10.1029/2004GB002238.

Hanson, P.C., A.I. Pollard, D.L. Bade, K. Predick, S.R. Carpenter and J.A. Foley. 2004. A model of carbon evasion and sedimentation in temperate lakes. Global Change Biology 10: 1285-1298.

Kritzberg, E.S., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, W. Granéli, and D.L. Bade. 2004. Autochthonous and allochthonous carbon sources to bacteria: Results from whole lake 13C addition experiments. Limnology and Oceanography. 49:588-596.

Pace, M.L., P. del Giorgio, D. Fischer, R. Condon, and H. Malcom. 2004. Estimates of bacterial production using the leucine incorporation method are influenced by differences in protein retention of microcentrifuge tubes. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 2: 55-61.

Pace, M.L., J.J. Cole, S.R. Carpenter, J.F. Kitchell, J.R. Hodgson, M.C. Van de Bogert, D.L. Bade, E.S. Kritzberg, and D. Bastviken. 2004. Whole-lake carbon-13 additions reveal terrestrial support of aquatic food webs. Nature 427:240-243.

2005 (back to top)

Brose, U., L. Cushing, C. Banasak-Richter, E.L. Berlow, L.-F. Bersier, J.L. Blanchard, T. Brey, S.R. Carpenter, M.-F. Cattin-Blandinier, J.E. Cohen, H.A. Daway, T. Dell, F. Edwards, S. Harper-Smith, U. Jacob, T. Jonsson, R.A. Knapp, M.E. Ledger, N.D. Martinez, J. Mennott, K. Mintenbeck, J.K. Pinnegar, T. Rayner, L. Ruess, W. Ulrich, P. Warren, R.J. Williams, G. Woodward and P. Yodzis. 2005. Empirical body sizes of consumers and their resources. Ecology 86: 2545-2545.

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, M.C. Van de Bogert, D.L. Bade, D. Bastviken, C. Gille, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, and E.S. Kritzberg. 2005. Ecosystem subsidies: terrestrial support of aquatic food webs from 13C addition to contrasting lakes. Ecology 86:2737-2750.

Cohen, J.E. and S.R. Carpenter. 2005. Species' average body mass and numerical abundance in a community food web: statistical questions in estimating the relationship. Pp. 137-156 in P.C. de Ruiter, V. Wolters, and J.C. Moore (eds.), Dynamic Food Webs: Multispecies Assemblages, Ecosystem Development and Environmental Change. Academic Press.

Kritzberg, E.S., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and W. Granéli. 2005. Does autochthonous primary production drive variability in bacterial metabolism and growth efficiency in lakes dominated by terrestrial C inputs? Aquatic Microbial Ecology 38: 103-111.

Jonsson, T., J.E. Cohen and S.R. Carpenter. 2005. Food webs, body size, and species abundance in ecological community description. Advances in Ecological Research 36: 2-84.

Pace, M.L., and Y.T. Prairie. 2005. Respiration in lakes, pp. 103-121 In P.J. le. B. Williams and P.A. del Giorgio (eds.). Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems. Oxford University Press.

Scheffer, M., S.R. Carpenter and B. de Young. 2005. Cascading effects of overfishing marine systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 579-581.

2006 (back to top)

Bade, D.L., M.L. Pace, J.J. Cole, S. R. Carpenter. 2006. Can algal photosynthetic inorganic carbon isotope fractionation be predicted in lakes using existing models? Aquatic Sciences 68:142-153.

Bade, D.L., and J.J. Cole. 2006. Impact of chemically enhanced diffusion on dissolved inorganic carbon stable isotopes in a fertilized lake. J. Geophys. Res., 111, Art. No. C01014, doi:10.1029/2004JC002684.

Brose, U., T. Jonsson, E.R. Berlow, P. Warren, C. Banasek-Richter, L.F. Bersier, J.L. Blanchard, T. Brey, S.R. Carpenter, M.F. Cattin Blandinier, L. Cushing, H.A. Dawah, T. Dell, F. Edwards, S. Harper-Smith, U. Jacob, M.E. Ledger, N.D. Martinez, J. Memmott, K. Mintenbeck, J.K. Pinnegar, B.C. Rall, T.S. Rayner, D.C. Reumann, L. Reuss, W. Ulrich, R.J. Williams, G. Woodward and J.E. Cohen. 2006. Consumer-resource body size relationships in natural food webs. Ecology 87: 2411-2417.

Carpenter, S.R. and W.A. Brock. 2006. Rising variance: A leading indicator of ecological transition. Ecology Letters 9: 311-318.

Choudhury, A., E. M. Charipar, P. Nelson, J.R. Hodgson, S. Bonar and R.A. Cole. 2006. Update on the distribution of the invasive Asian fish tapeworm, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, in the U.S. and Canada. Comparative Parasitology. 73: 269-273.

Cole, J.J., S.R. Carpenter, M.L. Pace, M.C. Van de Bogert, J.F. Kitchell, and J.R. Hodgson. 2006. Differential support of lake food webs by three types of terrestrial organic carbon. Ecology Letters 9:558-568.

Hodgson, J.R. and E. Hansen. 2006. Terrestrial vertebrate prey in the diet of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides in a small north temperate lake. J. Freshwater Ecol. 20: 793-794.

Hodgson, J.R., J.Y.S. Hodgson and E.E. Charipar. 2006. Niche dynamics of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in a north temperate lake. Mitt. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 1635-1638.

Houser, J.N. 2006. Water color affects the stratification, surface temperature, heat content, and mean epilimnetic irradiance of small lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2447-2455.

Kritzberg, E.S., J.J. Cole, M. L. Pace and W. Granéli. 2006. Bacterial growth on allochthonous carbon in humic and nutrient-enriched lakes: Results from whole-lake 13C addition experiments. Ecosystems 9: 489-499.

Kritzberg, E.S., S. Langenheder, and E.S. Lindström. 2006. Infuence of dissolved organic matter source on lake bacterioplankton structure and function- implications for seasonal dynamics of community composition. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 56: 406-417.

Lovett, G.M., J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2006. Is net ecosystem production equal to carbon storage? Ecosystems 9: 152-155.

Rubbo, M. and J.J. Cole. 2006. Terrestrial subsidies of organic carbon support net ecosystem production in temporary forest ponds: evidence from an ecosystem experiment. Ecosystems 9:1170-1176.

2007 (back to top)

Bade, D.L., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, E.S. Kritzberg, M.C. Van De Bogert, R.M. Cory, and D.M. McKnight. 2007. Sources and fates of dissolved organic carbon in lakes as determined by whole-lake carbon isotope additions. Biogeochemistry 84: 115-129.

Cole, J.J., Y.T. Prairie, N.F. Caraco, W.H. McDowell, L.J. Tranvik, R.G. Striegl, C.M. Duarte, P. Kortelainen, J.A. Downing, J. Middleburg and J. Melack. Plumbing the global carbon cycle: Integrating inland waters into the terrestrial carbon budget. Ecosystems 10: 171-184.

Dodds, W.K. and J.J. Cole. 2007. Expanding the concept of trophic state in aquatic ecosystems: It's not just the autotrophs. Aquatic Sciences 69: 427-439.

Pace, M.L., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, J.J. Coloso., J.F. Kitchell, J.R. Hodgson, J.J. Middelburg, N.D. Preston, C.T. Solomon, B. Weidel. 2007. Does terrestrial organic carbon subsidize the plankton food web in a clear-water lake? Limnology and Oceanography 52: 2177-2189.

Van de Bogert, M.C., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2007. Assessing benthic and pelagic metabolism using free water measurements. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 5: 145-155.

Weidel, B.C., T. Ushikubo , S.R. Carpenter, N.T. Kita, J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, M.L. Pace, and J.W. Valley. 2007. Diary of a bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus): daily delta C-13 and delta O-18 records in otoliths by ion microprobe. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16: 1641-1645.

2008 (back to top)

Babler, A.L., Solomon, C.T., and Schilke, P. 2008. Depth-specific patterns of benthic secondary production in an oligotrophic lake. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27: 108-119.

Bastviken, D., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and M.C. Van de Bogert. 2008. Fates of methane from different lake habitats: Connecting whole-lake budgets and CH4 emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeoscieces 113: article # G02024.

Carpenter, S.R., W.A. Brock, J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, and M.L. Pace. 2008. Leading indicators of trophic cascades. Ecology Letters 11: 128-138.

Coloso, J.J., J.J. Cole, P.C. Hanson, and M.L. Pace. 2008. Depth-integrated, continuous estimates of metabolism in a clear-water lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 712-722.

del Giorgio, P.A. and M.L. Pace. 2008. Relative independence of dissolved organic carbon processing and transport in a large temperate river: the Hudson River as both pipe and reactor. Limnology and Oceanography 53: 185-197.

Preston, N.D., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2008. Airborne carbon deposition on a remote forested lake. Aquatic Sciences 70: 213-224.

Solomon, C.T., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2008. Support of benthic invertebrates by detrital resources and current autochthonous primary production: results from a whole lake 13C addition. Freshwater Biology 53: 42-54.

Weidel, B.C., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, J. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, M.L. Pace, and C.T. Solomon. 2008. Carbon sources supporting fish growth in a north temperate lake. Aquatic Sciences 70: 446-458.

2009 (back to top)

Biggs, R., S.R. Carpenter, and W.A. Brock. 2009. Turning back from the brink: Detecting an impending regime shift in time to avert it. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(3): 826-831.

Carpenter, S.R., W.A. Brock, J.J. Cole and M.L. Pace. 2009. Leading indicators of phytoplankton transitions caused by resource competition. Theoretical Ecology 2: 139-150. Online DOI 10.1007/s12080-009-0038-4

Carpenter, S.R. and M. Scheffer. 2009. Critical transitions and regime shifts in ecosystems: consolidating recent advances. pp. 22-32 in Hobbs, R.J. and K.N. Suding (eds.), New Models for Ecosystem Dynamics and Restoration. Island Press, Washington DC.

Cole, J. J. The Discipline of Limnology. Chapter 2 In: Likens, G.E. (ed). The Encyclopedia of Inland Water. Oxford-Elsevier Volume 1. Pp 6-13, 2009.

Cole, J.J. 2009. Production in Pristine Lakes. Nature (N&V) 460: 463-464.

Cole, J. J., and Y. T. Prairie. Dissolved carbon dioxide. Chapter 49 In: Likens, G.E. (ed). The Encyclopedia of Inland Water. Oxford-Elsevier Volume 2. Pp 30-34

Prairie, Y.T. and J.J. Cole. Carbon, Unifying currency. Chapter 107 In: Likens, G.E. (ed). TheCole, J. J. The Discipline of Limnology. Chapter 2 In: Likens, G.E. (ed). The Encyclopedia of Inland Water. Oxford-Elsevier Volume 1. Pp 6-13, 2009.

Prairie, Y.T. and J.J. Cole. Carbon, Unifying currency. Chapter 107 In: Likens, G.E. (ed). The Encyclopedia of Inland Water. Oxforfd-Elsevier. Volume 2. Pp. 743-74

Scheffer, M., J. Bascompte, W.A. Brock, V. Brovkin, S.R. Carpenter, V. Dakos, H. Held, E.H. Van Nes, M. Rietkerk and J. Sugihara. 2009. Early warning signals for critical transitions. Nature 461: 53-59

Solomon, C.T., J. J. Cole, R.R. Doucette, M.L. Pace, N.D. Preston, L.E. Smith, B.C. Weidel.  2009. The influence of environmental water on the hydrogen stable isotope ratio in aquatic consumers.  Oecologia 161: 313-324.

2010 (back to top)

Brock, W.A. and S.R. Carpenter. 2010. Interacting regime shifts in ecosystems: implications for early warnings. Ecological Monographs. 80:353–367.

Caraco, N.F., J.E. Bauer; J.J. Cole; S. Petsch and P.A. Raymond. 2010. Millennial aged organic carbon subsidies to a modern river food web. Ecology. 91(8): 2381-2389.

Carpenter, S. R., and W. A. Brock. 2010. Early warnings of regime shifts in spatial dynamics using the discrete Fourier transform. Ecosphere 1(5): art10. [doi:10.1890/ES10-00016.1]

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, J.F. Kitchell, M.L. Pace. 2010. Trophic cascades in lakes: Lessons and prospects. Chapter 4, pp 55-70 In: J. Terborgh and J. Estes (eds). Trophic Cascades. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 404 pp.

Cole, J.J., D.L. Bade, D. Bastviken, S.R. Carpenter, M.L. Pace, M. Van de Bogert. 2010. Multiple approaches to estimating air-water gas exchange in small lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 8: 285-293.

de Vicente, I., E. Ortega-Retuerta, I.P. Mazuecos, M.L. Pace, J.J. Cole, and I. Reche. 2010. Variation in transparent exopolymer particles in relation to biological and chemical factors in two contrasting lake districts. Aquatic Sciences. 72: 443-453.

Findlay, S., W.H. McDowell, D. Fischer, M.L. Pace, N. Caraco, S.S. Kaushal, and K.C. Weathers. 2010. Total carbon analysis may overestimate organic carbon content of fresh waters in the presence of dissolved inorganic carbon. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 8: 196-201.

Hagerthey, S.E., J.J. Cole and D. Kilbane. 2010. Aquatic Metabolism in the Everglades: The Dominance of Heterotrophy. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55(2): 653–666.

Kaushal, S.S., G.E. Likens, N.A. Jaworski, M.L. Pace, A.M. Sides, D. Seekell, K.T. Belt, D.H. Secor, and R.L. Wingate. 2010. Rising stream and river temperatures in the United States. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 8: 461–466.

Kaushal, S.S., M.L. Pace, P.M. Groffman, L.E. Band, K.T. Belt, P.M. Mayer, and C. Welty. 2010. Land use and climate variability amplify contaminant pulses. EOS 91: 221-228.

Kosten, S., F. Roland, D. Da Motta Marques, E.H. Van Nes, N. Mazzeo, L. Da, S.L. Sternberg, M. Scheffer, and J.J. Cole. 2010. Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 24: GB2007. doi: 10.1029/2009GB003618

Roland, F., L.O. vidal, S.P. Pacheco, N.O. Barros, A. Assireu, J.P.H.B. Ometto, A.C.P. Cimbleris, and J.J. Cole. 2010. Variability of carbon dioxide flux from tropical (Cerrado) hydroelectric reservoirs. Aquatic Sciences. 72: 283-293.

Vachon, D., Y.T. Prairie, and J.J. Cole 2010. The relationship between near-surface turbulence and gas transfer velocity in freshwater systems and its implications for floating chamber measurements of gas exchange. Limnology and Oceaongraphy. 55(4): 1723–1732.

2011 (back to top)

Barros, N., J.J. Cole, L.J. Tranvik, Y. Prairie, D. Bastviken, V.L.M.M. Huszar, P. del Giorgio, and F. Roland. 2011. Carbon emission from hydroelectric reservoirs linked to reservoir age and latitude. Nature Geoscience. 4(9): 593-596.

Carpenter, S.R. and W.A. Brock. 2011. Early warnings of unknown nonlinear shifts: a nonparametric approach. Ecology. 92: 2196-2201.

Carpenter, S.R., E.H. Stanley and M.J. Vander Zanden. 2011. State of the world’s freshwater ecosystems: Physical, chemical and biological changes. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 36: 75-99.

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, R.D. Batt, W.A. Brock, T. Cline, J. Coloso, J.R. Hodgson, J.F. Kitchell, D.A. Seekell, L. Smith, and B. Weidel. 2011. Early warnings of regime shifts: A whole-ecosystem experiment. Science 332: 1079-1082.

Chapin, F.S., M.E. Power and J.J. Cole. 2011. Coupled biogeochemical cycles as a binding thread for planetary stewardship. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9(1): 3-3.

Cole, J.J., S.R. Carpenter, J.F. Kitchell, M.L. Pace, C.T. Solomon, and B.C. Weidel. 2011. Strong evidence for terrestrial support of zooplankton in small lakes based on stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108: 1975-1980.

Coloso, J.J., J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2011. Difficulty in discerning drivers of lake ecosystem metabolism with high frequency data. Ecosystems. 14: 935-948.

Coloso, J.J., J.J. Cole, and M.L.Pace. 2011. Short-term variation in thermal stratification complicates estimation of lake metabolism. Aquatic Sciences. 73: 305-315.

Estes, J., J. Terborgh, J.S. Brashares, M.E. Power, J. Berger, W. J. Bond, S.R. Carpenter, T. Essington, R.D. Holt, J.B.C. Jackson, R.J. Marquis, L. Oksanen, T. Oksanen, R.T. Paine, E.K. Pikitch, W.J. Ripple, S.A. Sandin, M. Scheffer, T.W. Schoener, J.B. Shurin, A.R.E. Sinclair, M.E. Soulé, R. Virtanen, and D.A. Wardle. 2011. Trophic downgrading of planet Earth. Science. 333: 301-306.

Finzi, A., J.J. Cole, S.C. Doney, E.A. Holland and R.B. Jackson. 2011. Research frontiers in the analysis of coupled biogeochemical cycles. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9(1): 74-80.

Melack, J.M., A.C. Finzi, D. Siegel, S. MacIntyre, C.E. Nelso, A.K. Aufdenkampe, and M.L. Pace. 2011. New ways of seeing and measuring ecosystems advance understanding of biogeochemical cycles. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9: 37-43.

Pace, M.L., I. Reche, J. J. Cole, A. Fernandez-Barbero,  I. P. Mazuecos  and Y.T. Prairie. 2011. pH change induces shifts in the size and light absorption of dissolved organic matter. Biogeochemistry. 108: 109-118. doi: 10.1007/s10533-011-9576-0

Pace, M.L., S.E. Hampton, K.E. Limburg, E.M. Cook, A.E. Davis, J.M. Grove, K.Y. Kaneshiro, S.L. LaDeau, G.E. Likens, D. McKnight, D.C. Richardson, and D.L. Strayer. 2011. Communicating with the public: opportunities and rewards for individual ecologists. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment. 8(6): 292-298.

Rick AR, Hodgson JR, Seekell DA. 2011. Diet specialization in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 26:435–439. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2011.562001

Schlesinger, W.H., J.J. Cole, A. Finzi and E. Holland.  2011. Introduction to Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 9(1): 5-8.

Seekell, D.A. 2011. Does the global trade of virtual water reduce inequality in freshwater resource allocation? Society and Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2011.557712

Seekell, D.A. and M.L. Pace. 2011. Climate change drives warming in the Hudson River Estuary, New York (USA). Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 13:2321–2327. DOI: 10.1039/C1EM10053J

Seekell, D.A., P. D’Odorico , M.L. Pace. 2011. Virtual water transfers unlikely to redress inequality in global water use. Environmental Research Letters. 6: 024017. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024017

Seekell, D.A. 2011. Recreational freshwater angling success is not significantly different from a random catch model. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 31:203–208.

Seekell, D.A., and M.L. Pace. 2011. Does the Pareto distribution adequately describe the size-distribution of lakes? Limnology and Oceanography. 56(1): 350-356.

Seekell, D.A., S.R. Carpenter, and M.L. Pace. 2011. Conditional Heteroscedasticity as a leading indicator of ecological regime shifts. American Naturalist. 178: 442-451. DOI: 10.1086/661898 

Seekell D.A., C.J. Brosseau, T.J. Cline , R.J. Winchcombe, L.J. Zinn. 2011. Long-term changes in recreational catch inequality in a trout stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 31(6): 1100-1105. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2011.642491

Solomon, C.T., S.R. Carpenter, M.K. Clayton, J.J. Cole, J.J. Coloso, M.L. Pace, M.J. Vander Zanden, B.C. Weidel. 2011. Terrestrial, benthic, and pelagic resource use in lakes: results from a three-isotope Bayesian mixing model. Ecology. 92: 1115-1125.

Staehr, P.A., J.M. Testa, W. M. Kemp, J. J. Cole, K. Sand-Jensen, and S.V. Smith. 2011. The metabolism of aquatic ecosystems: History, applications, and future challenges. Aquatic Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-011-0199-2

Weidel, B., S. Carpenter, J. Kitchell, and M. J. Vander Zanden. 2011. Rates and components of carbon turnover in fish muscle: insights from a whole-lake 13C addition. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68(3): 387-399.

2012 (back to top)

Batt, R.D. and S.R. Carpenter. 2012. Free-water lake metabolism: addressing noisy time series with a Kalman filter. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 10: 20-30.

Batt, R.D., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, T.J. Cline, R.A. Johnson, and D.A. Seekell. 2012. Resources supporting the food web of a naturally productive lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 57: 1443-1452.

Brock, W.A. and S.R. Carpenter. 2012. Early warnings of regime shift when the ecosystem structure is unknown. PLoS ONE. 7(9): e45586. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045586

Brosseau, C.J., T.J. Cline, J.J. Cole, J.R. Hodgson, M.L. Pace, and B.C. Weidel. 2012. Do Daphnia use metalimnetic organic matter in a north temperate lake? An analysis of vertical migration. Inland Waters 2: 193-198.

Cline, T.J., B.C. Weidel, J.F. Kitchell and J.R. Hodgson. 2012. Growth response of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to catch-and-release angling: a 27-year mark-recapture study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69: 224–230. DOI:10.1139/F2011-150

Cole, J.J. and C.T. Solomon. 2012. Terrestrial support of zebra mussels and the Hudson River food web: A multi-isotope, Bayesian analysis. Limnology and Oceanography. 57(6): 1802-1815.

Dakos, V., S.R.Carpenter, W.A. Brock, A.M. Ellison, V. Guttal, A.R. Ives, S. Kefi, V. Livina, D.A. Seekell, E.H. van Nes, and M. Scheffer. 2012. Methods for detecting early warnings of critical transitions in time series illustrated using simulated ecological data. PLoS ONE. 7: e41010.

Downing, J.A., J.J. Cole, C.M. Duarte, J.J. Middelburg, J.M. Melack, Y.T. Prairie, P. Kortelainen, R.G. Striegl, W.H. McDowell, and L.J. Tranvik. 2012. Global abundance and size distribution of streams and rivers. Inland Waters. 2: 229-236. doi: 10.5268/IW-2.4.502

Farrell, A.M. and J.R. Hodgson. 2012. Zooplankton diel migrations in lakes of contrasting food webs. BIOS. 83: 12-16.

Lottig, N.R. and S.R. Carpenter. 2012. Interpolating and forecasting lake characteristics using long-term monitoring data. Limnology and Oceanography. 57: 1113-1125.

Mendonça, R., S. Kosten, S. Sobek, N. Barros, J.J. Cole, L. Tranvik and F. Roland. 2012. Hydroelectric carbon sequestration. Nature Geoscience. 5: 838–840 doi: 10.1038/ngeo1653

Read, J.R., D.P. Hamilton, A.R. Desai, K.C. Rose, S. MacIntyre, J.D. Lenters, R.L. Smyth, P.C. Hanson, J.J. Cole, P.A. Staehr, J.A. Rusak, D.C. Pierson, J.D. Brookes, A. Laas, and C.H. Wu. 2012. Lake-size dependency of wind shear and convection as controls on gas exchange. Geophysical Research Letters. 39: L09405. doi: 10.1029/2012GL051886

Rubbo, M.J., L.K. Beldon, S.I. Storrs-Mendez, J.J. Cole, and J.M. Kiesecker. 2012. Species loss in the brown world: are heterotrophic systems inherently stable? Aquatic Sciences. 74: 397-404.

Scheffer, M., S.R. Carpenter, T.M. Lenton, J. Bascompte, W. Brock, V. Dakos, J. van de Koppel, I.A. van de Leemput, S.A. Levin, E.H. van Nes, M. Pascual, and J. Vandermeer. 2012. Anticipating critical transitions. Science. 338: 344-348.

Seekell, D.A., S.R. Carpenter, T. Cline, and M.L. Pace. 2012. Conditional heteroskedasticity forecasts regime shift in a whole-ecosystem experiment. Ecosystems. 15: 741-747. doi: 10.1007/s10021-012-9542-2

Staehr, P.A., J.P.A. Christensen, R.D. Batt, J.S. Read. 2012. Ecosystem metabolism in a stratified lake. Limnology and Oceanography 57(5): 1317-1330, doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.5.1317

Van de Bogert, M.C., D.L. Bade, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, P.C. Hanson, and O.C. Langman. 2012. Spatial heterogeneity strongly affects estimates of ecosystem metabolism in two north temperate lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 57: 1689-1700.

2013 (back to top)

Anderies, J.M., S.R. Carpenter, W. Steffen and J. Rockstrom. 2013. The topology of non-linear global carbon dynamics: From tipping points to planetary boundaries. Environmental Research Letters 8: 044048.

Batt, R.D., W.A. Brock, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and D.A. Seekell. 2013. Asymmetric response of early warning indicators of phytoplankton transition to and from cycles. Theoretical Ecology 6: 285-293, doi: 10.1007/s12080-013-0190-8

Batt, R.D., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace and R.A. Johnson. 2013. Changes in ecosystem resilience detected in automated measures of ecosystem metabolism during a whole-lake experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110: 17398-17403, doi: 10.1073/pnas.13116721110

Bernes, C., S.R. Carpenter, A. Gardmark, P. Larsson, L. Persson, C. Skov and E. Van Donk. 2013. What is the influence on water quality in temperate eutrophic lakes of a reduction of planktivorous and benthivorous fish? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 2: 9 (online).

Carpenter, S.R., T.D. Brock, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2013. A new approach for rapid detection of nearby thresholds in ecosystem time series. Oikos 10.1111/j1600-0706.2013.00539.x

Cole, J. 2013. Freshwater in flux. Nature Geoscience. 6: 13-14. doi:10.1038/ngeo1696

Cole, J.J. 2013. Freshwater ecosystems and the carbon cycle. In: Kinne O (ed) Excellence in ecology. Book 18. International Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe 146 pp

Read, J.S, and K.C. Rose. 2013. Physical responses of small temperate lakes to variation in dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Limnology and Oceanography. 58(3): 921-931. doi: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.0921

Pace, M.L., S.R. Carpenter, R.A. Johnson, and J.T. Kurtzweil. 2013. Zooplankton provide early warnings of a regime shift in a whole lake manipulation. Limnology and Oceanography. 58(2): 525-532. doi: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.2.0525

Seekell, D.A. T.J. Cline, S.R. Carpenter, and M.L. Pace. 2013. Evidence of alternate attractors from a whole-ecosystem regime shift experiment. Theoretical Ecology 6: 385-394.

Seekell, D.A., M.L. Pace, L.J. Tranvik, and C. Verpoorter. 2013. A fractal-based approach to lake size distributions. Geophysical Research Letters 40: 517-521.

Solomon, C.T., D.A. Bruesewitz, D.C. Richardson, K.C. Rose, M.C. Van de Bogert, P.C. Hanson, T.K. Kratz, B. Larget, R. Adrian, B. Leroux Babin, C-Y. Chiu, D.P. Hamilton, E.E. Gaiser, S. Hendricks, V. Istvanovics, A. Laas, D.M. O’Donnell, M.L. Pace, E. Ryder, P.A. Staehr, T. Torgersen, M.J. Vanni, K.C. Weathers, and G. Zhu. 2013. Ecosystem respiration: Drivers of daily variabiltiy and background respiration in lakes around the globe. Limnology and Oceanography 58: 849-866.

Wilkinson, G.M., M.L. Pace, and J.J. Cole. 2013. Terrestrial dominance of organic matter in north temperate lakes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 27. doi: 10.1029/2012GB004453

Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and C. Yang. 2013. Terrestrial support of pelagic consumers: patterns and variability revealed by a multilake study. Freshwater Biology. 58: 2037–2049 doi: 10.1111/fwb.12189

2014 (back to top)

Cardosa, S.J., A. Enrich-Prast, M.L. Pace, and F. Roland. 2014. Do models of organic carbon mineralization extrapolate to warmer tropical sediments? Limnol. Oceanogr. 59: 48-54.

Carpenter, S.R., W.A. Brock, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2014. A new approach for rapid detection of nearby thresholds in ecosystem time series. Oikos 123: 290-297.

Cline, T.J., D. A. Seekell, S. R. Carpenter, M. L. Pace, J. R. Hodgson, J. F. Kitchell, and B. C. Weidel 2014. Early warnings of regime shifts: evaluation of spatial indicators from a whole-ecosystem experiment. Ecosphere 5:art102.

Dakos, V., S.R. Carpenter, E.H. Van Nes, and M. Scheffer. 2014. Resilience indicators: prospects and limitations for early warnings of regime shifts. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370: 20130263.

Hamilton, D.P., C.C. Carey, L. Arvola, P. Arzberger, C. Brewer, J.J. Cole, E. Gaiser, P.C. Hanson, B.W. Ibelings, E. Jennings, T.K. Kratz, F.-P. Lin, C.G. McBride, D. de Motta Marques, K. Muraoka, A. Nishri, B. Qin, J.S. Read, K.C. Rose, E. Ryder, K.C. Weathers, G. Zhu, D. Trolle, and J.D. Brookes. 2014. A Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) for synthesising high-frequency sensor data for validation of deterministic ecological models. Inland Waters. 5: 49-56.

Hanson, P.C., M.L. Pace, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, E.H. Stanley. 2014. Integrating landscape carbon cycling: research needs for resolving organic carbon budgets in lakes. Ecosystems DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9826-9.

Hondula, K.L., M.L. Pace, J.J. Cole and R. Batt. 2014. Hydrogen isotope fractionation in aquatic primary producers: implications for aquatic food web studies. Aquatic Sciences doi:10.1007/s00027-013-0331-6

Kéfi, S., V. Guttal, W. A. Brock, S. R. Carpenter, A. M. Ellison, V. N. Livina, D. A. Seekell, M. Scheffer, E. H. van Nes, and V. Dakos. 2014. Early Warning Signals of Ecological Transitions: Methods for Spatial Patterns. PLoS ONE 9:e92097

Seekell, D.A., J.-F. Lapierre, M.L. Pace, C. Gudasz, S. Sobek, and L.J. Tranvik. 2014. Regional-scale variation of dissolved organic carbon concentrations in Swedish lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 59: 1612-1620.

Wilkinson, GM, JJ Cole, ML Pace, RA Johnson, M Kleinhans. 2015. Physical and biological contributions to metalimnetic oxygen maxima in lakes Limnology and Oceanography 01/2015; DOI: 10.1002/lno.10022

Wilkinson, G.M., S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole and M.L. Pace. 2014. Use of deep autochthonous resources by zooplankton: Results of a metalimnetic addition of 13C to a small lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 59(3): 986–996. doi:10.4319/lo.2014.59.3.0986

Yang, C, GM Wilkinson, JJ Cole, SA Macko, ML Pace. 2014. Assigning hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen isotope values for phytoplankton and terrestrial detritus in aquatic food web studies. Inland Waters 4: 233-242.

2015 (back to top)

Batt, RD, SR Carpenter, JJ Cole, ML Pace, RA Johnson, JK Kurtzweil, GM Wilkinson. 2015. Altered energy flow in the food web of an experimentally darkened lake. Ecosphere 6(3): 1-23, doi: 10.1890/ES14-00241.1

Bernes, C., S. Carpenter, A. Gardmark, P. Larsson, L. Persson, C. Skov, J. Speed, and E. Van Donk. 2015. What is the influence of a reduction of planktivorous and benthivorous fish on water quality in temperate eutrophic lakes? A systematic review. Environmental Evidence 4: 7.

Hanson, P.C., M.L. Pace, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, E.H. Stanley. 2015. Integrating landscape carbon cycling: research needs for resolving organic carbon budgets in lakes. Ecosystems 18: 363-365.

Lapierre JF, Seekell DA, del Giorgio PA (2015) Climate and landscape influence on indicators of lake carbon cycling through spatial patterns in dissolved organic carbon. Global Change Biology 21:4425-4435

Pace, M.L., S.R. Carpenter, and J.J. Cole. 2015. With and without warning: managing ecosystems in a changing world. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 13: 460-467.

Seekell, D.A, and V. Dakos. 2015. Heteroskedasticity as a leading indicator of desertification in spatially explicit data. Ecology and Evolution 5: 2185-2192.

Wilkinson, G.M., J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace. 2015. Deuterium as a food source tracer: Sensitivity to environmental water, lipid content, and hydrogen exchange. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 13: 213-223.

Wilkinson, G.M., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, R.A. Johnson, and M.J. Kleinhaus. 2015. Physical and biological contributions to metalimnetic oxygen maxima. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 242-251.

2016 (back to top)

Carpenter, S.R., J.J. Cole, M.L. Pace, and G.M. Wilkinson. 2016. Response of plankton to nutrients, planktivory and terrestrial organic matter: a model analysis of whole-lake experiments. Ecology Letters 19: 230-239.

Emery, K.A., J.A. Gephart, G.M. Wilkinson, A.F. Besterman, and M.L. Pace. 2016. Exploring trophic cascades in lake food webs with a spreadsheet model, p. 111-115. In L.B. Byrne (ed.). Learner-centered teaching activities for environmental and sustainability studies. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.

Seekell, D. 2016. Passing the point of no return. Science 354: 1109C.

Seekell DA, Gudasz C (2016) Long-term pCO2 trends in Adirondack lakes. Geophysical Research Letters 43:5109-5115

Sharma, S., J. J. Magnuson, R. D. Batt, L. A. Winslow, J. Korhonen, and Y. Aono. 2016. Direct observations of ice seasonality reveal changes in climate over the past 320–570 years. Scientific Reports 6:25061.

Wilkinson, G.M, C.D. Buelo, J.J. Cole, and M.L. Pace 2016. Exogenously produced CO2 doubles the CO2 efflux from three north temperate lakes. Geophysical Research Letters 43: 1996-2003.

Winslow, L. A., J. A. Zwart, R. D. Batt, H. Dugan, R. Iestyn Woolway, J. Corman, P. C. Hanson, and J. S. Read. 2016. LakeMetabolizer: An R package for estimating lake metabolism from free-water oxygen using diverse statistical models. Inland Waters 6:622–636.

2017 (back to top)

Batt, R. D., S. R. Carpenter, and A. R. Ives. 2017. Extreme events in lake ecosystem time series. Limnology and Oceanography Letters: in press. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10037

Cole, J.J. 2017. How many limnologists does it take to fix the plumbing? The Established Researcher. ESA Bulletin 98:100-102

Pace, M.L. and J.A. Gephart. 2017. Trade: a driver of present and future ecosystems. Ecosystems 20: 44-53.

Pace, M.L., R.D. Batt, C.D. Buelo, S.R. Carpenter, J.J. Cole, J.T. Kurtzweil, and G.M. Wilkinson. 2017. Reversal of a cyanobacterial bloom in response to early warnings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114: 352-357.

Tanentzap, A.J., B.W. Kielstra, G.M. Wilkinson, M. Berggren, N. Craig, P.A. del Giorgio, J. Grey, J.M. Gunn, S.E. Jones, J. Karlsson, C.T. Solomon, and M.L. Pace. Terrestrial support of lake food webs: Synthesis reveals controls over cross-ecosystem resource use. Science Advances 3: e1601765.

Wilkinson, G. W. 2017. How many limnologists does it take to fix the plumbing? The Arising Researcher. ESA Bulletin 98: 99-100

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